F1 2019 game pc
F1 2019 game pc

f1 2019 game pc

2019 has sold 6.1 million headsets so far (as much as 2017 & 2018 combined) in just the 1st 2 quarters of the year. As shown here it is a growing trend 3 years in a row with a total of over 12 million VR headsets sold. Here is a link to the amount of VR headsets shipped worldwide per brand in the past 3 years. SIM racers and VR enthusiast across the world have been racing on other platforms like Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competitzione, iRacing, Project Cars 2 and Driveclub (just to name a few) who have embraced VR with great results already years ago but Codemasters seems to still be playing catch up. How is it that Codemaster recognizes the advantage of VR support of the DIRT Rally 1 and DIRT Rally 2.0 titles but ignores it for F1 2019 when it is pretty much the same public?

f1 2019 game pc f1 2019 game pc

With an ever growing community of VR SIM racers across the world spending hundreds and usually thousands of dollars in Force feedback wheel/pedals, motion rigs and VR headsets such as Oculus, HTC Vive, Samsung, Pimax, Lenovo and more, we can't understand why Codemasters doesn't include VR support for their F1 titles such as F1 2019 when other titles have had it for a few years now, and new titles keep adopting it. We believe that an F1 2019 that supports VR will increase the adoption of the title by the eSports racing community across PC and PS4 platforms and increase revenue for Codemasters while broadening its consumer market for alternate and future titles with VR support, which it is quickly become the present and future of gaming. This is a petition to Codemaster to include VR support for the F1 2019 game and future titles of the line.

F1 2019 game pc