Its expansion, Forged Alliance, is my favourite strategy game. The original game had far larger maps, greater unit counts, and a more complicated economy system that was more flexible and less forgiving.

SupCom 2 was my entry point to the series and I love it, but I graduated from there to Supreme Commander 1. Except that it was a child's game compared to the original. It requires quick decisions, if you're going to walk a path through its research trees as efficiently as possible and reach its game-ending, sun-blocking experimental units. It requires a lot of multi-tasking, if you're going to deal with battles at your base, on the frontlines, at sea, on land and in the air.

It requires high actions-per-minute if you're to expand your base to match or beat the economic expansion of your opponent, be they human or AI. Supreme Commander 2 is a frantic, mentally taxing game. Wish Gas Powered's robotic RTS sequel had been more in-line with its predecessor? This is the mod for you. What can I get running now which will be fun? Think, think, got it: the Supreme Commander 2 Revamp Expansion Mod. I'm telling you this now because it seems like a worthwhile lesson if you're going to attempt modding beyond the safe boundaries of the Steam Workshop sometimes it requires patience, sometimes it creates nothing but frustration. Then I couldn't get my key example to work, and spent four hours stumbling over error after error until I was forced to give up. I had great plans to write about "kitchen sink" mods, which abandon narrative coherency in favour of cramming borrowed ideas into a joyous, lunatic mess. This is not the mod I intended to write about when the day began.